🛠 DIY How-To's & Tutorials
These tutorials and how-tos will help you learn tips and tricks of the woodworking trade, like creating spline miter joints, box joints, building a fence, garden arbor or dog house, how to install a dog door or replace a toilet. Lots of great information. |
It's fun to build a fence. This basic design sets the boards inside the posts, so both sides look equally good.
A good workbench is literally the foundation of good work. It should be strong and sturdy with a thick top that is level and flat.
It doesn't take much work to put a new spin on traditional splined miter joints. Just install the splines at an angle and you get eye-catching results.
Made of plastic or aluminum, pet doors have a waterproof flap and a lockable panel to keep out unwanted visitors, giving both you & your pet newfound independence.
Few projects are as easy to build or as beautiful to look at as an arbor. Don't overbuild your arbor - whatever you plant to climb the arbor will support itself to a large degree.
A bookcase is an essential item of furniture, and one that virtually anyone with a little know-how can build. Here's an economical version you can build.
It's tempting to make a really roomy doghouse, but your dog won't appreciate it. During cold months, your dog's body heat keeps him or her warm.
Even using the same stains and woods doesn't necessarily mean the patterns or even colors will match across different pieces. Build from a single board for a visually consistent piece.
For the DIY Woodworker ... Skill Scale: Easy - You can build and install this organizer in a day or less. It will function just the same as the high-priced spread.
Simple dovetail jigs help you make tight-fitting half-blind dovetails quickly and easily. Follow these 9 key steps and tricks for using your dovetail jig, and you're sure to enjoy success.
Treen is a term used to describe any of a number of small, utilitarian items made from wood. Treen, literally means "from a tree" and can cover many thing.
Stripping an old finish from furniture or trim is almost like finding buried treasure. A good stripping job can transform a yard-sale bargain or restore an antique to its original glory.
You'll make most of the box from 1 x 8 and 1 x 10 boards of pine, fir or other dressed softwood, and its bottom from 3/4" plywood or particleboard.
For reasons of design and proportion, you typically make the individual "fingers" in box joints as wide as the thickness of the workpieces.
Bird feeders are one of the best ways to bring a bit of the wild to your windowsill or yard. They also set the stage for one of the best shows in town.
Decks are great for entertaining and relaxing. You can build one in a few weekends and you don't need a lot of specialized equipment.
A plumbing contractor will charge about $350 to remove an old toilet and replace it with a new one. You can buy a new toilet and materials for about $180.