Jim shows how to build, and then demonstrates, nine must-have jigs for the tablesaw, router, router table, drill press, and planer. You'll even find detailed plans on the DVD that you can print from your computer and take into your shop, so you can easily build these useful jigs. This how-to woodworking video runs 68 minutes.
Learn about space-saving storage solutions including fully-detailed floor plans and shop layout kits. Do-it-yourself floor to ceiling upgrade options, tool holders, clamp racks, and lumber supports plus money-saving, time-freeing jigs. View inspiring dream garages and workshops.
Following the step-by-step process, you can make beautiful cabinets: just one, or an entire kitchen's worth! With face-frame construction, an attractive solid-wood frame covers the front of a simple plywood box. You'll be amazed how quickly cabinets can be built using these methods.
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