▸ Detailed section on CNC lathes w/ live tooling
▸ Image files of many parts, used as examples
▸ More programming examples (text and CD)
▸ Optimized for latest Fanuc and related systems
▸ Additional formulas, calculations
▸ Handy reference material
▸ Fourth axis programming (indexing and rotary)
▸ Improved index for better search of topics
The enclosed CD-ROM now contains a fully functional 15-day shareware version of CNC tool path editor/simulator, NCPlot™. This powerful, easy-to-learn software includes an amazing array of features, many not found in competitive products. NCPlot offers an unmatched combination of simplicity of use and richness of features. Support for many advanced control options is standard, including a macro interpreter that simulates Fanuc and similar macro programs.