☑ Cutting Curves
Bandsaws and
Jig Saws can cut curves, but as power tools they're fearsome and often dangerous to use. The scroll saw, by comparison, is a domesticated beast. Its strandlike blade, which is just 3" to 5" long, moves between two parallel arms that pulsate rapidly up and down through a hole in the cutting table. So gentle is the motion, however, that if you accidentally touch the blade with your finger, it probably won't even make a cut.
For this reason, the scroll saw is a delight for the hobbyist. It is a favorite for turning out thin wood panels known as fretwork that can be used for boxes or wall decorations, and for creating fancy details for brackets and even the Victorian gingerbread trim used on porches.

▸ Accepts blades in 2 directions for infinite ripping capacity
▸ Thumb screw blade adapter for tool-free blade changes
▸ Goes from 400 to 1600 strokes per minute
▸ Cuts wood up to 2" thick with a 16" throat depth
▸ Spacious 16" x 11" table
▸ Bevels up to 45° to the left for angled cuts
▸ Cast iron body provides a stable base, limited vibration
▸ Includes air pump, flex light, dust port, foot lock clamp, 3 blades
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☑ Choosing a Blade
Scroll saws can be fitted with an assortment of blades that can cut everything from hard acrylic to bathroom tiles with ease, making it a good all-purpose saw - as long as the job is a small one. Scroll saw blades come in a profusion of styles and teeth sizes, and choosing one for a job often comes down to a matter of taste.
See all scroll saw blades
- In general, precision-ground teeth are harder than regular blades, and rarely break.
- Some blades cut only on the downstroke, but a reverse-toothed blade--the most popular choice for hobbyists--also has teeth that cut on the upstroke, making for a smoother cut.
- Each tooth on a crown-toothed blade cuts both on the upstroke and downstroke, making it ideal for plastics and veneers.
- Skip-toothed blades, as the name indicates, contain gaps that pull sawdust away so the blades can move without friction. This reduces the risk of leaving burn marks on the wood.
Curtis Rist, a writer for
This Old House magazine, parks his power tool collection in New York's Hudson River Valley.

Hegner scroll saws are known for easy blade installation, long blade life, superb cutting control, smooth and quiet operation, accurate sawing, smooth edges without sanding, and unsurpassed reliability.
▸ Double Quicklock Tensioning System
▸ Electronic Variable Speed Induction Motor
▸ Highly Precise and Reliable
▸ 7 Year Manufacturer's Warranty against defects
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Stand sold separately
Woodworking Reference Books
Begin with the basics of cutting straight, curved, and jagged lines, and then progress to more advanced techniques like stack cutting, relief, inlay, compound, segmentation, and more. Project patterns include die-cut stationery, a fish silhouette, a butterfly with interior cuts, a hummingbird ornament, and a collapsible wooden basket. By the time you've completed the book, you'll be ready to tackle any scroll saw project.
How do the best scrollsawyers work, and what kinds of designs do they like to use? Wood magazine has gathered its finest techniques and projects in a pattern collection that any woodworker will treasure. Take these 80 patterns of animals and autos, birds and buildings, people and places and either follow the projects exactly as shown, incorporate the designs into a different piece, or do some clever mixing and matching.
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